Online and In-Person Professional Development

From certificate programs to comprehensive workshops and training seminars, the University of Maine is committed to providing online and in-person professional development programs to Maine’s workforce.

Class sizes are small and the programs are engaging and highly interactive. Our online professional development programs are instructor-led and not pre-recorded.

All of our programs are open to the public as well as to the University of Maine System community.

Have a question about an upcoming professional development program? Email us:

What kind of training are you looking for?

Our professional development programs are designed to benefit professionals from a range of sectors, including healthcare workers, educators and members of nonprofit organizations, as well as people who are unemployed, underemployed or trying to make a change in their careers.

If your employer is a compact member of the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce, you may be eligible to take these programs at a reduced cost. Visit our Harold Alfond Center Workforce Development Funding page for more information.