Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training for Mental Health Professionals

If your employer is a compact member of the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce, you may be eligible to take this program at a reduced cost. Visit our Harold Alfond Center Workforce Development Funding page for more information.

Program Description

hands holding purple awareness ribbon

This two-day program, presented in partnership with New Hope Midcoast, is designed for social workers, substance abuse counselors and other mental health professionals, as well as clergy, police officers and first responders to become certified in intimate partner violence training.

The following topics will be covered during the 12-contact hours of the program: foundations of domestic abuse, addressing the lasting impact of domestic abuse, intervention strategies of domestic abuse and trauma-informed and culturally competent responses to domestic abuse.

Program Benefits      

This 12-hour curriculum was developed collaboratively by the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence and partners in the mental health field in order to meet the 2020 domestic violence training requirements for psychologists, licensed clinical social workers and licensed clinical professional counselors (see L.D. 1238. 126th Legis. 2013). The four three-hour modules include information that will help mental health professionals be prepared to work with people who have experienced and perpetrated domestic abuse and violence.

Topics Covered

Day 1

Module 1 – Domestic Abuse: Foundations

Participants will be able to:

  • Define domestic abuse and trauma
  • Examine the multitude of barriers to safety that batters create for their partners and family members
  • Identify the tactics that batterers employ to obtain and maintain power and control over their partners and family members

Module 2 – Domestic Abuse: Addressing the Lasting Impact

Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the impact of trauma on the brain
  • Identify several short and long-term health impacts of domestic violence
  • Describe particular challenges facing survivors of multi-abuse trauma

Day 2

Module 3 – Domestic Abuse: Intervention Strategies

Participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish between appropriate roles for mental health providers and those for domestic violence advocates
  • Identify screening strategies to use in your practice
  • Describe the basic safety planning strategies, including how to refer to a domestic violence resource center
  • Define the difference between risk analysis and evidence-based risk assessment
  • Analyze batterer tactics of control as they relate to seeking professional help

Module 4 – Domestic Abuse: Trauma-Informed and Culturally Competent Responses

Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss trauma-informed strategies for working with survivors
  • List strategies for addressing secondary trauma that you may experience as a provide
  • Analyze the barriers and resources faith provides to both survivors and abusers
  • Describe various aspects of culturally competent services and list culturally-specific domestic violence resources in Maine

 Who Should Enroll

  • Psychologists
  • Licensed clinical social workers
  • Licensed clinical professional counselors 

Not sure if this program is right for you? Contact us at and we can help you figure it out.

This program and its content are relevant and beneficial to anyone working in the field with individuals to have better understanding of how to use proper language and skills to make them feel comfortable and relevant.
Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training 2024 participant
I appreciated the facilitation of Lori Rodriguez and Hillary Waterman. They worked well together, answered questions, offered opportunities for rich discussion (even within a limited time frame) and both were well versed and knowledgeable about the topic of IPV. I appreciated the resources provided and the variety of types of learning styles employed to keep me and others engaged in the two-day training. I also appreciated the engagement of the other participants, as that added to my learning.
Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training 2024 participant
I am so thankful that I connected with this particular training. The presenters were so informative, the material was interesting, there was a nice mix of media and information, participation and lecture, and it went by quickly. We were told what was happening when things were going to take place, and we were able to go through the information with time to spare. I believe the materials, handouts, and resources provided today will help me to be a better therapist.
Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training 2024 participant
Probably one of the best continuing education courses I’ve attended. Would recommend to all clinicians.
Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training 2024 participant
New Hope’s training was enlightening and educational. The instructors are knowledgeable, culturally competent and all around great people! This training should be mandatory for more professions such as teachers, first responders, doctors, nurses and everyone, including judges, in the justice system.
Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training 2024 participant
This training was engaging and helpful, both filled the requirement for my CEUs and also left me feeling a lot more well-informed and prepared to engage with survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence.
Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Intervention Training 2024 participant

Program Details


photo of Lori Rodriguez

Presenter Lori Rodriguez (she/her/they/them) is a domestic violence resource center advocate with New Hope Midcoast. Her background is in gender and sexuality studies, as well as in campus-based sexual violence prevention. Their current role as a Community Prevention Educator focuses on working directly with people impacted by domestic abuse, dating violence and stalking. In addition, they provide educational resources to members of the Midcoast Maine community about the dynamics of domestic abuse. Lori has a particular passion for working with survivors in the LGBTQ+ community as well as working towards enhancing community members’ and other social service providers’ ability to respond from an anti-oppression, trauma-informed lens.

Dates and Times

June 11-12, 2025
8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. ET


This dynamic program will be offered synchronously via Zoom—you’ll need access to a stable internet connection.

Program Fee


Participants can choose to participate in one or two days of the program. Registration for individual modules is available for those who have already completed a portion of the required hours for this training.

Click here to apply for a need-based scholarship.

Class Capacity

  • 45 participants

Continuing Education Credits

  • 12 contact hours / 1.2 CEUs are available.
  • Certificate for completing the entirety of this 12-hour course.

Learn more about Continuing Education Units.


For more information or to request an accommodation, contact us at, 207.581.3167.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my certificate?

A very important question! Typically, we send out certificates within 3-5 business days after a program has taken place. These procedures are not automated—we appreciate your patience and know how important this credential is for your licensure.

When will I receive my Zoom link?

You’ll receive your Zoom link to participate in the training, as well as any materials, within two weeks of the program start date.

Who do I reach out to if I have a question?

Contact us at