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What is a MaineStreet account?

Your MaineStreet account is an essential account that allows you to access many University of Maine System services:

For MaineStreet quick guides and process documents, please visit:


Forgot MaineStreet account password?

If you do not remember your MaineStreet password, you can simply reset it here.  Note that you will need your MaineStreet ID number (same as your 7-digit student ID number), your MaineStreet username, and the answers for your security questions*.

*If you do not remember the answers to your security questions, the only way you can reset the password is to have the system to initiate your account re-activation process.  This way would allow you to setup your new password and your new security questions.  Please contact for this process.


MaineStreet Frequent Asked Questions

New to Mainestreet account and never received an activation key to activate your account? You can contact UMS:IT at and they should be able to assist on your request.

The Office of Student Records offers a FAQs for student who might encountered issues with MaineStreet.

Click here to view the FAQs by the Office of Student Records


MaineStreet Student Planner

The Planner is a tool available in the MaineStreet Student Center that helps with planning for enrollment in future classes.  The Planner is built by the student and consists of a list of the courses that will be taken during their academic career toward earning their degree.  The courses can be organized by term so when enrollment time arrives, the Planner can be used to find sections of courses included in the Planner that is offered for the term and then add them to the Wish List.

Click here to view the tutorial.


Who should I contact?

For UMaine student technical support, please contact UMaine US:IT: or 207.581.2506

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